Out of This World!
There are hundreds of Gardens of Eden in parallel universes that are waiting to come home to us here and now. Each Garden springs us into new depths of Being, thus sparking new talents and abilities.
Portals are available within our immediate reach through which we can access these Gardens. We can draw energies from the Gardens into this life to improve, enhance, and expand our presence and experiences here on earth. We expand our dimensions of being through our interactions with the Gardens. We are thus able to impact the world more than ever before.
In the Gardens You will Receive:
Soul Path Success
Deep Knowledge of Self
Amplified Co-Creation and Manifestation
Crystal Clear Expression
Serenity and Inner Peace
Holy Union
Personal Mastery
Through the Seven Parallel Universes Closest to Earth You Will Gain:
Efficiency of Action
Empowered Patience
Rich Creativity
Telepathic Communication
Strong Perseverance
Community Leadership
Enlightened Being
Sacred Knowledge Revealed
Only recently is it possible to share these sacred teachings that have been passed down from teacher to student for generations through a long lineage of Colombian shamans. We have evolved to a level of ripeness and readiness for these energies to come through.
Be among the first to explore these expansive realms
as you learn to achieve huge shifts
for yourself and for others.
With this training you will learn to navigate seven Gardens of Eden and seven specific parallel universes which open portals to a multitude of additional universes that you may also experience. You will receive initiations of the Elohim, the Creator Gods of these Edens, a profound experience that enhances navigation and interaction within the Gardens and Universes.
In addition you will learn many empowering energies to support profound change in your life and for your clients. The energies from these Universes and Gardens may be used to strengthen your personal energies as well as those of your clients, friends, and family members.
10 sessions, $1550
Teacher Training Also Available
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